responsible adj. 1.有责任的,应负责任的 (to sb.; for a thing)。 2.能负责的,可靠的;懂道理的,明白是非的。 3.责任重的(地位等)。 have a responsible position 担任要职。 responsible government 责任政府制。 I am not responsible to you for my actions. 我的行为我没有向你说明的义务。 a responsible face 一本正经的面孔。 hold sb. responsible for 使某人负担…的责任。 make oneself responsible for 负起…的责任。 responsible for 为…负责;是造成…的原因。 adv. -bly
being the agent or cause; "determined who was the responsible party"; "termites were responsible for the damage" 同义词:responsible,
responsible forとは意味:《be ~》~に対して責任{せきにん}がある、~に関与{かんよ}する James is responsible for signing our paychecks. ジェームズには私たちの給料を払う責任がある。 All employees are responsible for keeping their work place clean and tidy. 《就業規則》すべての従業員は、職場を常...